Listening with the ear of the heart.

About Spiritual Direction

What is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual direction is a ministry of holy listening in which one person helps another notice the active presence of the Divine in their ordinary life. Spiritual directors journey with directees, assisting as they deepen their relationship with the Divine. American poet, Mary Oliver says that, “The soul exists and is built entirely out of attentiveness.” As spiritual director I accompany others who are seeking to be attentive to the wonders being revealed deep within one’s soul as well as in their everyday experiences.

Directee’s bring the rich resources of their past sacred stories, their current realities, personality styles and their unique ways of listening and noticing the sacred in their lives. My style of direction welcomes for reflection the myriad of ways people experience enlightenment and greater awareness such as contemplative centering prayer and Zen practices, Yoga, and the enneagram wisdom tradition to name a few. However, there is no pre-requisite to enter into spiritual direction, one simply needs to be a seeker, a pilgrim.

Spiritual direction does not elevate one particular spirituality, philosophy or religion over another. There are times when the name of God, or the Divine may not be referenced in our conversations. Movements of the spirit may invite a person to ask questions like, “Who am I really? What am I looking for? What direction do I want to give to my life, my decisions and my actions? or Why and for what purpose am I in this world?” All is received in wonderment, loving kindness and compassion during our holy time together.

Areas of Focus

  • Those who are in life’s transitions seeking to discern a path forward.

  • Adults

  • Clergy

  • Grief and Loss

  • Health Care Concerns

  • Homeless/low income


  • Mindfullness/Meditation

  • Those who have experienced religious harm and want to work on spiritual or personal growth.


Spiritual Direction is neither counseling or therapy. While it is appropriate to discuss psychological, emotional and relationship issues in Spiritual Direction, if we come to the limits of my scope of practice, I may suggest that some of your concerns could be more effectively addressed by other resources such as professional counseling.


We will meet for direction in-person (when possible) or virtually via Zoom for a half hour meet and greet before mutually deciding if we are a good fit. If you wish to see another director, I can offer you suggestions. If we decide to continue to meet, we will meet monthly for approximately one hour. I am available more often during periods that you might find stressful or particularly challenging.


Our conversation is held in the strictest confidence. I do not reveal who I am companioning in spiritual direction. I will not reveal your identity nor the content of our conversations unless requried to do so by law or court order. (State mandates require that I report any incidence of child abuse or a credible threat of self-harm or harming another.) You are free to share whatever you choose about our conversations, but I ask that any personal disclosures on my part remain confidential.

I meet with a supervisor to explore my growth as a spiritual director. Your name will never be used and whatever is shared is held in confidence. Spiritual Direction is both a ministry and a professional service. I engage in regular professional development and continuing education opportunities.


The fee is discussed during our initial meeting. The easiest way to pay me online is with Venmo: @jackgeracci